Book your rental car in South and Central America on Great rental car deals in Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, Costarica and more!
On you will always find many extraordinary offers for car rental in many new locations in South and Central America: Argentina, Brazil, Costa Rica, Mexico and many more. It is sufficient to access the site or app, enter the location, data and hours of the rental and in a few seconds you will be shown all the available cars ordered by price. You can then further narrow the results thanks to the convenient filters to select the various rental characteristics.
On once you have chosen the car that's right for you, enter your details and, after completing the payment, you will receive the booking voucher to be presented at the rental office indicated together with driving license, identity document and card. payment. Do not forget that all documents must be submitted in original and valid. Below you will find a list of locations where you can book your rental car with we rely on primary suppliers who guarantee new, clean vehicles and impeccable service. As always, for any information you can contact us at our number +39 (0)79 0976250, from Monday to Friday from 9AM to 7PM CET, or write to Our operators will be happy to assist you in all stages of the booking process of your favorite car. And have a good trip from the team!