About Modena

Check in real time the availability for your Car Hire Modena with Rent.it, yuor low cost car rental.
We compare the cheapest rates for your Car Hire Modena with the major international and the best local car rental companies.

Modena is an Italian city of nearly 200,000 inhabitants, capital of the province of the same name in Emilia Romagna. The city is rich in history: Modena was the capital of the duchy of Este and several of its historic buildings, like the cathedral, the Torre Civica and the Piazza Grande are now part of the World Heritage Sites by UNESCO. The city is also home to the Military Academy of the Army and the Carabinieri.

In Modena you can rent a car by booking it in advance on Rent.it. You will need to have a driver's license original and valid and a valid credit card registered to the main driver of the vehicle. With the rental car you can go to discover the beauty of the city and Emilia Romagna.

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